Friday, April 13, 2007

After Effects CS3 advancements

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MORE MEMORY AND MULTIPROCESSING – YEAH! For the everyday After Effects user, you can never have too much memory. With Windows XP and After Effects 7, we have a limitation of 3GB of total memory. Pretty much the same with the Mac. Now both desktop platforms are embracing more CPU cores so the demand for memory to feed that processing power is even greater. Enter After Effects CS3. With the latest version, After Effects supports 3.5GB of memory per processor core. Plus, we’ve taken a crack at better processing efficiency. In After Effects CS3 you will see a new preference entitled, multiprocessing. If you have a multi-core system, you’ll be able to get multiple frames rendered at once. Plus, the engineers tell me there that we’re ready for quad and eight core CPU’s as they come out. All this comes at a terrific time as we see more and more people working in HD which has so much more information (data) per frame than SD.

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